March 2012

From time to time I’ll come across an excellent post on another site and republish it here. Why? Because YOU need to read it. And posting just a “link” doesn’t quite cut it when it comes to content requirements. This is one such post; from...

Great post from the Google Webmaster Blog: To help you avoid common mistakes webmasters face with regard to search engine optimization (SEO), I filmed a video outlining five common mistakes I’ve noticed in the SEO industry. Almost four years ago, we also gathered information from all...

Well planned On Page SEO is one of the best search engine optimisation strategies that any webmaster can employ. It deals with the kind of ‘content’ that you publish and how that content is formatted. However, it is also the one key area that is...

There has been a lot of controversy surrounding on page SEO best practices since the first search engines started gaining momentum. This article will outline my experience with on page SEO, and the things I have done in the past to drive pages to the...

I’ve been saying this for a long time, we shouldn’t try to build false SEO rankings! I for one am GLAD that Google is now de-indexing these crappy sites. The following is an email I got this morning from my good friend (and SEO link...

We're all so focused on building backlinks and link building these days that it's easy to get carried away with the latest "whatever". I can only hope that as your marketing knowledge grows that you'll soon see that just because the sales letter is good...

As more and more people get online, more and more people are also getting scammed. These days it isn’t just the non-techie’s who are getting ripped off, it’s also the web-savvy. We ALL need to be more vigilant in helping our fellow web users know more...