The Significance of WireFrames in Web Design

The Significance of WireFrames in Web Design

Designing wireframes is not that costly as thought to be.  Whether you do it the right way or wrong way the cost remains the same. Web prototyping is the simplest method to avoid damage to your product because of a poor website. Many tend to opt for expensive website redesigns to fix these kind of problems. Spending a few days and creating a wireframe is a wise idea to stay away from these issues. The common elements that every page in a website share are the must have items in Wireframe. A customer who experiences resentment and frustration tends to leave a bad impression about your product or brand. Wireframes is the only feature that is capable of fixing this issue. Wireframing is the foundation of your website which has to be set right.

What is a wireframe?

Wireframe is a simple black and white layout which is an outline of your webpages.  It is devoid of font choices, color choices, logos and other elements. Let us look at some of the important reasons as to why Wireframes in web design is extremely important.

  • Large site maps appear to be a little diverting. When wireframe is used in a site map, the first visual process of your site looks promising. Wireframes have the capacity to display a flow chart which is solid and real without any distractions.
  • In more than one instances your client might have had great difficulty in understanding what do you mean by, dynamic slide, Google integration, news feeds light boxes, product filtering and the like. When Wireframing is implemented, your website communicates clearly to the client and explains the functions of these features.  They also bring out the importance of every feature. If you find when a particular feature in wireframe does not work for your site, you can remove it. This allows you to clearly focus on the other important aspects of your project.
  • Wireframes in your website showcase your web pages layout which forces customers to visit your site. The navigation placement, conversion paths, feature placement, naming links and ease of use will force the visitor to stick to the site. Wireframes also point out the flaws in your site so that they can be fixed at the earliest.
  • Content managed website owners can use wireframe to identify the capacity of your site to accept content growth. For example, 10 products offered by you now might become 50 in six months time. You can check if your website can handle this growth without affecting the website design, usability and architecture.
  • Normally, layout, functionality and branding aspects are combined but wireframe takes each element separately. This simplifies the process and allows clients and team members to express their views and feedback on the project. Lack of wireframe increases the cost of making changes which can be avoided in advance.
  • Saving time in this competitive world is more than necessary. Website designs are well calculated and the development team is aware of their responsibility. Creating contents is going to be easier. You, your team and clients are all going to be clear on how the website functions and what does it do.
  • Many think that Wireframing is an additional feature that is added to a website. But, they fail to realize that it is part of building a website. If you skip Wireframing, it is like building a house without a blueprint. This process is very important to avoid major problems.

This guest post is brought to you by Chad Bauer of, a site that offers savings and current information on cable providers.