Best of the Web June 2019


Best of the Web June 2019

Some great content from around the web during June 2019…

Should you keep old content?

keep-contentEven if your content is really awesome, you need to do some cleaning. Otherwise, you’ll be hurting your own chances of ranking in Google. You see, there are only a limited number of places in Google’s search results pages. Google will only show 1 or 2 results from the same domain in the search results for any specific query. If you’re a high authority domain, you might get away with three results.

If you have written 3 articles focussing on the same – or very similar – keywords, you are competing with yourself for those limited spaces in the search results. You’ll be confusing Google. That’s why you cannot blog endlessly about the same content and leave it be. You need to do some content management.

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10 Ways to Increase Growth In Your Business

increase-growthBuilding a business is hard work; it takes time, personal sacrifice, and grit to turn your dream into physical reality. You must wear many hats, learn the ropes of business law and taxes, and learn about compliance. You will experience a steep learning curve in many areas of business, but the fact of the matter is, if you want to grow, you’ll have to take some specific action steps to ensure solid and steady growth. Here are some simple yet effective steps you can take to increase growth in your business.

Success Tip #1: Automate your sales funnel…

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Use Email Analytics to Craft Email Marketing Campaigns

measure-emarketingAre you struggling to measure the bottom-line impact of your email marketing?

You know what your open and click-through rates are, and you can even see every individual who opens your email on a big, beautiful map. Yet, somehow, you still can’t quite measure how many leads and customers your email campaigns are creating.

Fortunately for you, email marketing tools like Campaign Monitor integrate directly with Google Analytics, so you can see how many people are clicking on your email campaigns, landing on your website, and going on to become leads and customers.

The best part is: It’s really easy to do. Read on to discover three simple steps to help you make it happen.

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