Should we Add Humor to Our Articles

Should we Add Humor to Our Articles

Simple answer, yes!

This article comes from Penny at Ezine I”m one of probably thousands subscribed to their blog. Each few days I get great hints an tips to writing better content. It would be great for your business if you were to subscribe also. THis article on humour in writing is food for thought.

How easy is it to write humour… ?

“It’s Easier Said Than Done”

A recommendation like “incorporate humor into your articles” is generally met by a series of groans. Let’s get the “yeah, but” and “easier said than done” complaints out of the way. Many authors object because they believe they don’t have a funny bone in their body, no one gets their jokes, or their articles are too serious for humor.

What’s really behind all of this anti-humor sentiment is many authors fear becoming a rotten tomato target, i.e., they fear being booed off the stage.

Forget rejection and just go for it.

Humor allows you to liven up your articles (no matter the gravity of the subject), it makes an impression on the reader, and increases trust in your brand. You don’t have to have your audience rolling in the aisle or write a whole comedy routine. Just lighten up!

Let’s get cracking with these humor infusion tips.

Pretend You’re Van Gogh

Consider the reader’s senses by painting a picture with descriptive language. Rather than tell the reader a, b, and c, show the reader a, b, and c. Break out the thesaurus to use evocative language and provide sensory details (e.g., smell, taste, sight, etc.), metaphors, or even similes. Use relatable settings based on common ground (e.g., universal events, facts, truths, beliefs, etc.), but give them an odd twist to be unpredictable.

For example:

Use these tips to write quality articles quickly.
Use these tips to bang out enriching articles faster than a polar bear leaving a salad bar.

Once Upon a Time …

Readers love to relate and reality is often funnier than fiction. Consider an analogy or story related to your topic. Look at the world around you – what situations remind you of your topic? Many authors incorporate their children’s antics to illustrate their points or tie in their favorite hobby to explain their strategy or point.

Bear in mind your article doesn’t have to be an elaborate storyline with twists that zig and turns that zag. Here are three methods of humorous story infusion:

  • Seasoned: Add a light dash of humor by simply finding opportunities to liven up your article, whether it a sentence, a tagline, or an analogy.
  • Bookends: Begin with a humorous analogy in your introduction and then tie it in again in the conclusion to resonate with the reader.
  • Storyboard: Based entirely on an experience or event, take an extraordinary event that is directly relevant to your topic and provide your account of it with an informative twist (e.g., the day everything seemed to go wrong).

K.I.S.O.S.T.C. (Keep it Simple or Suffer the Consequences)

Humor requires preparation (first winsome draft), editing (second agonizing draft), and then the final cut (final draft of solace). Simplify the article by trimming verbiage to maintain the core message while keeping key elements of humor. Be merciless. Ask a friend to read your piece while paying attention to details and solicit recommendations. You may think it’s the best thing since sliced bread, but if your friend or peer thinks otherwise – edit, edit, edit.

WARNING: For comedians, anything is game; however, as an Expert Author, please don’t target any particular person, demographic, etc., with offending, libel remarks. Keep it clear and respectful.

There you have it! Start brainstorming by trying out a new turn of phrase, storytelling, and polishing. Create mesmerizing content by entertaining and educating readers at the same time to make an impression and build trust.